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Vortex - Feb07 Joomla Templates

* Joomla 1.0+ compatible
* Mambo 4.5.2.X compatible
* Great portal style design
* 6 complete color variations for the ultimate in flexibility
* NEW ButtonMenu, SplitMenu, and Suckerfish menu configurations for complete navigation control
* 20 included menu buttons plus blanks for each color variation so you can create your own
* Support for fixed or fluid widths configured in the css
* 4 interchangeable module style variations to allow you to focus attention on the modules of your choice
* Plenty of integrated content styles to give your content more impact
* Accessibility options to allow your users to change the rendered font size
* Custom Login module to provide a low-profile login interface as used in this demo
* Built-in support for Tabs & Slides from joomlaworks.gr
* Integration and styling for Slimbox - a faster leaner alternative to LightBox 2.0 utilizing a highly optimized and compressed version of the mootools javascript library
* Integraton and styling for Reflection - a mootools effect for quickly adding web 2.0 style reflections under your images
* An amazing 14 fully collapsible module positions for the most flexible layout options possible
* Fully compatible IE6, IE7, Safari 2, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9, OmniWeb, Shira, Netscape.
* Source Fireworks MX PNG and font files included
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Vortex 1.0.x Quickstart

Vortex 1.5

Without Password