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JA Antares - Clean and professional sport theme

* 4 layout options: 3 columns, 2 columns-full left, 2 columns-full right, collapse all
* All 11 user modules are fully collapsible
* Built-in header module which can be configured as Flash or DHTML (Javascript) New!
* 3 screen resolution types: narrow, wide and 100% (fluid)
* 3 color options, modern design with plenty of whitespace
* Tableless design and 100% CSS based
* Joomla 1.0.x + Joomla 1.5 compatible
* 4 Menu options: Standard Joomla menu, JA Split menu, JA Transmenu and JA Suckerfish
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Check it ?
* CSS Validates Check it ?
* Valid 508 Accessibility
* Delivered with source.PSD and FONT files, detailed user guide which can be found in JA Antares download folder.
* Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization

Antares 1.0.x

JA Antares v1.4 for Joomla 1.5 : (Quickstart included Joomla! 1.5.7+ Extensions ,Template installation packages) (8.45 MB)

JA Antares Source Files : Source Files for JA Antares (58.8 KB)

JA Antares User Guide : User Guide for JA Antares (91.6 KB)