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Elemental - June 07 Joomla Templates

* Joomla 1.0+ compatible
* Clean and Versatile design
* NEW RocketLauncher enabled - Create your own site just like the demo site with only a few clicks
* 900 Possible color combinations - Independently configurable primary,secondary,body and menu options
* 4 Hilite module variations for each color style
* A wide variety of integrated content styles and typography options
* Easily customizable to be used in Fluid or Fixed-width configurations
* 2 built-in menu options - The all new RokMooMenu menu system, SplitMenu, as well as a module position to use your own custom menu module (Module)
* NEW RokSlide - tabbing sliding module with custom animation effects
* NEW RokZoom - custom slimbox variant built from the ground-up with cool zoom effect
* NEW RozLatest - Our highly popular module has been updated and incorporated into Elemental
* 13 fully collapsible module positions for the most flexible layout options possible
* Lightweight and fast-loading design
* Built-in IE6 PNG fix
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
* Accessible - Section 508 and WAI
* Fully compatible IE6, IE7, Safari 2, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9, OmniWeb, Shira, Netscape.
* Source Adobe Fireworks PNG and Fonts included
* Blank Logos for quick/easy modification

Elemental 1.5